The Fundamentals Of Education Of Willpower Qualities In Higher Education Acquires In The Process Of Engagement In Sports And Health Tourism

  • Serhii Soha
  • Volodymyr Dobrovolskyi


The article provides a theoretical analysis of the education of willpower in students of higher educational institutions in the process of sports and health tourism. It was established that in modern conditions, insufficient attention is paid to the problem of education of strong-willed qualities of student youth in institutions of higher education. The necessity of researching the foundations of education of determination, endurance and self-control, development of relevant criteria and indicators of education of willpower in the process of sports and health tourism has been proven. The study of scientific literature allowed us to establish that in recent years, a number of studies have been conducted devoted to certain aspects of solving the problem of education of volitional abilities (purposefulness, endurance, self-control) of students of higher educational institutions in the process of learning. sports and health tourism.

The article defines, specifies and characterizes the criteria and indicators of education of willpower of students of higher educational institutions in the process of sports and health tourism.

The cognitive criterion was determined by the following indicators (students’ knowledge of willpower qualities (determination, endurance, self-control) and their necessity during sports and health tourism activities; understanding of the importance of self-control, stress resistance, self-discipline as a means of cultivating willpower qualities, students’ awareness of the ability to self-regulate behavior , control of one’s own emotions and reactions in various situations).

The motivational criterion was determined according to the following indicators (interest of higher education students in cultivating determination, endurance, and self-control; desire to cultivate strong-willed qualities in the process of engaging in sports and health tourism; desire to exercise self-discipline). exercise self-control, overcome obstacles in training and field conditions).

The activity-practical criterion provided for the following indicators (the willingness of higher education students to show determination, endurance and self-control in the process of sports and health tourism; the ability to exercise self-control, be resistant to stressful situations, and exercise self-control). -discipline in the process of educational and training and competitive activities; the ability of student youth to self-regulate their behavior and the ability to help the teacher-coach in the organization of classes and competitions in sports and health tourism).

Keywords: Sports and health tourism, strong-willed qualities, students of higher education, determination, self-confidence, endurance, self-control.

Cite: Soha, S., & Dobrovolskyi , V. (2024). The fundamentals of education of willpower qualities in higher education acquires in the process of engagement in sports and health tourism. Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 15. Scientific and Pedagogical Problems of Physical Culture (physical Culture and Sports), (3K(176), 441-444.

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