Maura Campra1, Patrizia Riva1, Gianluca Oricchio2, and Valerio Brescia 3

1Department of Economic and Business Studies, University of Eastern Piedmont Amedeo Avogadro, Novara, Italy

2Association of International Patients, Milan, Italy

3Department of management, University of Turin, Turin, Italy

Corresponding author(s):

Valerio Brescia, University of Turin, Unione Sovietica 218 bis, Torino, Turin 10124, Italy. Email:


Medical tourism is an expanding phenomenon. Scientific studies address the changes and challenges of the present and future trend. However, no research considers the study of bibliometric variables and area of business, management and accounting. This bibliometric analysis discovered the following elements: (1) The main articles are based on guest services, management, leadership principles applied, hotel services associated with healthcare, marketing variables and elements that guide the choice in medical tourism; (2) The main authors do not deal with tourism but are involved in various ways in the national health system of the countries of origin or in WHO; (3)cost-efficiency and analytical accounting linked to medical tourism structures and destination choices are not yet developed topics.

Keywords: Bibliometrix, biblioshiny, medical tourism, medical tourism agenda, medical tourism management

Cite this article: Campra M, Riva P, Oricchio G, Brescia V. Bibliometrix analysis of medical tourism. Health Services Management Research. 2022;35(3):172-188. DOI:10.1177/09514848211011738

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